CIFAR 10 & 100 Datasets

As this is a very commonly used dataset, the dataset_loading.cifar module has some helper functions for handling it.

No Queues

If you don’t want to use queues (possible for CIFAR as it is quite small), but still want to make use of a utility function to load it in, you can use the function dataset_loading.cifar.load_cifar_data():

from dataset_loading import cifar
CIFAR_DIR = '/path/to/saved/dataset'
# The load function will return a tuple
trainx, trainy, testx, testy, valx, valy = cifar.load_cifar_data(
    CIFAR_DIR, cifar10=True, val_size=0, one_hot=False, download=False)


If you don’t have the data, you can get the helper functions to download it for you before putting the data into queues. In this case, it will be downloaded into the data_dir specified.

from dataset_loading import cifar
train_queue, test_queue, val_queue = cifar.get_cifar_queues(
    '/path/to/cifar/data', cifar10=True, download=True)

Loading CIFAR in Queues

If you want to handle the CIFAR datasets with the Queues this package builds, you can call the dataset_loading.cifar.get_cifar_queues(). This calls the above load_cifar_data() function, so also has the ability to download the data.

The best way to understand this function is to see how it is used.

from dataset_loading import cifar
from time import sleep
train_queue, test_queue, val_queue = cifar.get_cifar_queues(
    '/path/to/cifar/data', cifar10=True)
data, labels = train_queue.get_batch(100)
test, labels = test_queue.get_batch(100)
val, labels = val_queue.get_batch(100)


What if we want to preprocess images by removing their mean before putting them into the queue? The benefit of this is that when your main function is ready for the next batch, it doesn’t have to do any of this preprocessing.

from dataset_loading import cifar
import numpy as np
from time import sleep
def preprocess(x):
    x = x.astype(np.float32)
    x = x - np.mean(x)
    return x
train_queue, test_queue, val_queue = cifar.get_cifar_queues(
    '/path/to/cifar/data', transform=preprocess, cifar10=True)
data, labels = train_queue.get_batch(100)
test, labels = test_queue.get_batch(100)
val, labels = val_queue.get_batch(100)

Ok, easy enough. What about if we wanted to do some preprocessing to the train set, but not to the validation and test? This is commonly done to ‘augment’ your dataset.

from dataset_loading import cifar
import numpy as np
from time import sleep
# this augmentation just adds noise to the train data
def preprocess(x):
    x = x.astype(np.float32)
    x = x + 10*np.random.rand(32,32,3)
    return x
transform = (preprocess, None, None)
train_queue, test_queue, val_queue = cifar.get_cifar_queues(
    '/path/to/cifar/data', transform=transform, cifar10=True)
data, labels = train_queue.get_batch(100)
test, labels = test_queue.get_batch(100)
val, labels = val_queue.get_batch(100)

Epoch Management

One of the main annoyances with tensorflow was the difficulty of swapping between train and validation sets in the same main function. Say if you wanted to process one epoch of training data, then run some validation tests before getting a new epoch of data. You would have to keep track manually of how many images you’d read as if you tried to set an epoch limit to 1, and then restart the queues, you would run into all sorts of problems.

The ImgQueue in this package has a last_batch property that indicates whether this epoch was the last one or not, providing an easy indication for the main program to move onto the validation stage. This flag will get reset if you read from it. This allows you to do something like the following:

from dataset_loading import cifar
import numpy as np
from time import sleep
train_queue, test_queue, val_queue = cifar.get_cifar_queues(
    '/path/to/cifar/data', cifar10=True)
while True:
    while not train_queue.last_batch:
        data, labels = train_queue.get_batch(100)
        # process the data

    # Do some validation testing then
    # loop back to beginning and get the next batch

You can also inspect how many images have been processed in the current epoch by looking at the ImgQueue.read_count property. This shouldn’t be modified however, as then the file queues and the image queue will get out of sync.

You can put a limit on the epoch count too. When this limit is reached, a FileQueueDepleted exception will be raised:

from dataset_loading import cifar, FileQueueDepleted
import numpy as np
from time import sleep
train_queue, test_queue, val_queue = cifar.get_cifar_queues(
    '/path/to/cifar/data', cifar10=True, max_epochs=50)
    while not train_queue.last_batch:
        data, labels = train_queue.get_batch(100)
        # process the data

    # Do some validation testing then
    # loop back to beginning and get the next batch
except FileQueueDepleted:
    # No need to do any join calls for the threads as these should already
    # have exited, and if they haven't, they're daemon threads so no
    # worries.
    print('All done')

Selecting Queues

If you only want to get the train queue or the train and validation queues say, you can do this by using the get_queues parameter. E.g.:

from dataset_loading import cifar, FileQueueDepleted
import numpy as np
from time import sleep
train_queue, test_queue, val_queue = cifar.get_cifar_queues(
    '/path/to/cifar/data', cifar10=True, get_queues=(True, False, True))
assert test_queue is None

Queue Monitoring

See the Queue Monitoring section in the ImgQueue help.


If you plan on only using the Dataset Specific functions, you should still be aware of some of the useful properties of the ImgQueue’s received from the loading function. See Properties for a description of these.